Operation Room ENT Products Operating Room Gynecology Products


We Are

Throughout its history, Qtecmedical has built its business activities upon respect: Respect for our employees and partners, for our countries of operation, for the clients we serve and for the investors who trust in us.

Respect is the esteem we confer upon others and upon their expectations; it is what allows us to establish long-term relationships based on trust and progress.

Now that Qtecmedical is adjusting its corporate governance to match its recent entry in the stock market and to the growing perspectives this offers, I find it worthwhile to reiteratethe principles which have, since our very beginnings, guided our daily activities and founded our long-term strategy.


& Mission

The company Qtecmedical has always been evolving pursuing and confirming daily as a brand of reference in the sector both nationally and globally.

Always very active in spreading their brand also planning new investments aimed to infrastructure and marketing, a major goal is to ensure a complete range of products, with a competitive value for money.

In this regard a particular relevance departments Commercial / Sales and Research and Development both very keen to listen, interpret and implement
customers’ needs.

This is possible thanks to a wide range of products made entirely in Italy and thanks.. 

Surgical Innovation is our


This is a promise we have pursued in surgery. With this claim in mind, we develop and market medical technology solutions of Electromedical Equipment and surgical instruments, in many cases, we have set new benchmarks.